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We provide the following services related to the protection of personal data:

  • analyses and audit in terms of compliance and the degree of preparation for the requirements of the GDRP (RODO) regulation;
  • preparing legal opinions regarding the compliance with the law of personal data processing, including the opinion on all company’s internal documents related to the processing of personal data (such as security and privacy policy, etc.);
  • preparing and giving opinions on contracts for entrusting the processing of personal data;
  • preparation of documentation necessary to notify a database of personal data to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office;
  • representing clients in proceedings conducted with the participation of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, regarding the processing of personal data;
  • legal advisory regarding the possibility of transferring personal data by the administrator to third countries (outside the EEA);
  • performing audits of the documentation / procedures of entrepreneurs in the scope of compliance with regulations on the protection of personal data.

We prepare and conduct training projects for the Chamber of Fund and Asset Management (IZFiA) and the Chamber of Brokerage Houses (IDM), in the area of ​​matters related to personal data protection requirements introduced by the GDPR/RODO. Also, we cooperate with both chambers in drafting proposals for changes to national legislation in relation to the GDPR/RODO and assist in preparation of an industry code covering data protection standards for members of both chambers.


Sławomir Dudzik - attorney-at-law
Managing Partner
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