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We provide legal advisory services in the field of legal aspects of environmental impact assessments in relation to planned investments or other projects requiring legal consultations regarding aspects related to broadly understood environmental protection.

Our experience in this field comprises in particular:

  • advising on investment projects in the context of the requirements resulting from the Polish and EU regulations on environment protection, with special emphasis on the questions of zoning and development as well as protected areas, including the areas under the Natura 2000 program;
  • comprehensive advice on environment-related requirements in the case of M&A transactions, including the due diligence reports covering the compliance with the environment protection regulations;
  • advising on water collection and protection of waters from waste discharge;
  • advising on gas and dust emissions into the air;
  • advising on other environmental immissions such as noise or radiation;
  • advising on assignment of rights and obligations resulting from environment-related permits (water use licenses, gas and dust permits, integrated permits etc.);
  • advising on waste management;
  • advising on the impact of business operations on the environment;
  • representation in administrative proceedings before environment protection authorities and in court or court and administrative proceedings regarding environment-related permits and decisions on the compliance of business operations with environment protection regulations, including representation in proceedings regarding determination of legal responsibility for violation of environmental standards (including for historical pollutions);
  • developing documentation on environment protection.


Marcin Kubala - attorney-at-law
Marcin Koper - attorney-at-law
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