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Specializes in civil law, civil proceedings, banking law, legal issues related to the functioning of investment funds as well as in administrative and court-administrative proceedings.

He has extensive experience in the representation of banks in civil proceedings, including in particular depositaries and liquidators in matters related to the functioning of investment funds. He provides ongoing legal advisory services to banks and investment funds.

Laureate of the prize of the Dean of the Circuit Chamber of Legal Counsel in Wroclaw for obtaining a third result in legal counsel exam. He gained his professional experience in reputable law firms in Wroclaw and in banking sector.
Branch office

ul. Św. Mikołaja 7

50-125 Wrocław

Tel. +48 71 739 55 00

Faks: +48 71 739 55 01


University of Wrocław, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, 2009



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