Miło nam poinformować, że kolejny rok z rzędu Kancelaria SPCG jest rekomendowana w międzynarodowym rankingu Chambers Europe.
W tym roku otrzymaliśmy rekomendacje w specjalizacjach:
Spory sądowe (Despute Resolution), Band 3
[What the team is known for: Assists clients with a variety of corporate and civil law disputes, including shareholder disputes and contentious competition matters. Works across a wide range of industry sectors including telecommunications, banks, energy and real estate. Has a very strong standing in white-collar crime matters. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) “They can always discuss complicated cases and solve their clients’ problems.”]
Prawo korporacyjne / Fuzje i przejęcia (Corporate/M&A), Band 5
[What the team is known for: Stemming from Kraków, the firm now boasts several offices across Poland. Acts for buyers and sellers on domestic and cross-border M&A. Also assists clients with company reorganisations, joint ventures and day-to-day corporate matters. Strengths (Quotes mainly from clients) “I appreciate the fact that they are all-rounders and can help us with a wide range of matters.”]
Wyróżnieni zostali również poszczególni prawnicy naszej kancelarii:
w dziedzinie sporów sądowych (Dispute Resolution) oraz sporów dot. przestępstw gospodarczych tzw. „białych kołnierzyków” (White-Collar Crime) wyróżniony został specjalnie prof. Zbigniew Ćwiąkalski, Senior Statesmen
[Senior practitioner Zbigniew Ćwiąkalski is an expert in criminal law, particularly in relation to business, and is an established name in the area of white-collar crime. He is a reputed academic who has publish”ed extensively on the matter.]
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